THE BROKEN SOCIETY

                                                                       -By Joane Unknown

Before we start, I want to add a disclaimer. This post should be taken as seriously as possible and it may have some triggering sentences that may bother some of you. I am not judging anybody, I am just analyzing today's behavior. I am 13, and no, I don't know everything about the world we live in but I see things and even if I am young, you should consider my opinions. Thank you so much for reading this and enjoy!

This is society is broken, completely broken. We hate to hear the truth from people. We are silent so we don't hurt anybody. We fake smiles and even our lives to seem cool, to fit in. We change ourselves to "fit in". The people who don't fit in are called weird. That is why some people are outsiders. They want us to fit into a type. What type are you? The funny one? The smart one? The weird one? Well, weird is not really acceptable for this society nowadays. If you don't believe me, open the door, go outside. 
We tend to judge people, by the way, they look and think that obesity is normal. Body positivity everywhere so nobody gets upset, it doesn't mean if you are overweight, body positivity! It is not normal, it is not normal to starve yourself just to look like some sort of model and it is not normal to eat until you end up with health problems. I am not talking about being 2 or 3 kilograms overweight, I talk about girls and boys who are obese. I see girls on social media starving themselves or cutting their wrists, thinking it is cool. It is not! We normalize these things like they are nothing. Mental problems are cool, being anorexic or obese is nice, is sexy. Since when having an eating disorder is cool? 
Social media is destroying lives and growing children. Social media brainwashes the brains of young children and teens. They see grown-up women with perfect bodies thinking their bodies are wrong. It is nothing wrong with having a real body, stretch marks, a small tummy, and body hair, which are more than normal. We judge the quality of a person by the number of likes on a post. If she has five likes, it means she has no friends, she is antisocial, but we never think further. Maybe that girl has a lot more friends in REAL LIFE. Social media is not real life. There are people who seem the happiest on their Instagram account. It is all fake! I met a lot of people with perfect lives on Instagram but were sad in real life. We are always online, paying so much attention to a damn screen. To be honest, I do this too, knowing that is wrong. When you grow up with the phone in your hands, it is hard not to get addicted to it. 
It saddens me the fact that 3,4,5-year-old children are given phones or tablets. I have a 4-year-old sister who stays on her phone for more than 3 hours a day. Parents give their children phones when they are busy or when they just want to relax. I personally got my first phone at the age of 6, in 2015. I was just playing games or watching youtube but the internet evolved. There are for sure way more dangerous, especially when you don't have parental control over your children's phones. I don't and I have never had. Abuses and bullying moved to online, and even if it virtual, they still hurt you- You are ugly! Go die! I hate you! You are worth nothing! But even if they did, they are both online and offline.
This pandemic tested all of us. Some of us resisted while the others didn't. The lockdown made so many people go crazy and made schools move online. It is so dumb how you close schools just because of a virus. People die anyway, because of so many problems, not only COVID-19. We have gone thru Malaria, Ebola and so many more. It is not like is the first time we have ever gone thru it. Education is the number one thing for a growing child. There are children who started first grade online. How the fuck do you learn to do the letters and write in front of a computer? I am not saying the lockdown was useless but it was exaggerated. We are humans, not robots. We need to get out and have fun, go to school and socialize,  not stay home depressed in front of a computer "learning". I went thru online school too, and I know that is not school, it just some sort of trash school. They made us wear masks, and made us believe that they can save your life. Maybe they can, I don't deny that. My mom is a doctor in a hospital, and I saw her every single they coming home exhausted, out of breath, taking her clothes off before entering our house so she wouldn't bring any viruses. They tortured us, mentally and physically.
Parents became scared to let their children out because of the world we all live in. What if they get kidnapped? What if somebody abuses them? And I can understand their worrying, especially when you have girls, as we may be more vulnerable. 
If you don't have brandy clothes you are poor and weird, for them. If you don't have the latest phone, they call you poor. If you are saying the truth, they think you are mean. It is always something, especially in the teenagers' friend groups. I see these things, as I went thru some of them.- "Your dad is a lawyer? I think that your dad is a bad lawyer as you don't have brandy clothes." That is what I heard from one of my classmates. - "If you wear Billie Eilish merch, you are a whore!"
All these sentences hurt me, back then. When I started writing they were making fun of me- "Who writes books anymore? Nobody reads books! Your writing is trash! Nobody is going to buy the shit you make" And so many more things. They even made fun of my name, spelling it wrong intentionally. It hurt me, especially when one of my friends said that writing is useless and I should give up and do something that is more trendy. Dumb people think reading or writing is hard and boring but sometimes you should just turn off your ears and keep going.
Forget about the society we live in, and do what the hell makes you happy.


Now, that you got to the end, I hope you understood my message. I wanted to talk about these things for a really long time. The thing is, I didn't want to offend anybody when I touched the subject of body positivity, it is your choice, not mine. I am not trying to body-shame anybody but I felt like I needed to address that thing too. Don't take what I said personally, it was just me analyzing today's broken society's behavior. 

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Have a nice day! Peace :)


  1. „Forget about the society we live in, and do what the hell makes you happy„ - nici că ar fi putut fi spus mai bine ! Ai surprins PERFECT societatea în care trăim în prezent. Bravo puisor, îmi place cum gîndești.


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