I am taking a break

 Yes, I am taking a break. It is been probably two months since I started this blog and I need a break. Nobody reads my blogs anymore, and I am kind of sick of working on a post for hours and nobody reading it. I hate the fact that I have to deal with nobody reading my posts. That is why I am taking a break. I have tons of books to make reviews for that I have read but I am no longer going to make reviews. 

I don't know if it is going to be a couple of weeks, months, or even a year. I just need to choose my priorities which are a school, family, and writing. I am working on a book series and that itself is stressing the shit out of me. Not to mention that school and tutoring hours are going to start soon and that is going to take a lot of time.

But, anyway, see you someday!

Joane Unknown


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