UNKNOWN TALKS- EPISODE 14- The perfect wife (book opinion/review)

                                    THE PERFECT WIFE

                                                        -By J. P. Delaney

Hello, hello, my amazing unknowns! I am so happy to make this post even if I had an awful night, but I am here to write. So, I finished this amazingly written book two days ago, and it left me with my mouth open and myself shook. 

The story starts with Abbie, a robot (or the way Tim calls them- cobots) that looks the same as his dead wife. Tim wons a technology company that creates cobots. Abbie (his ex-wife) committed suicide at the beach house six years ago and since then, he has been building the cobot version of Abbie. Tim has a boy with autism named Danny that is helped to act normal by Siana, the nanny. The book shows Tim's real face and the truth about Abbie's suicide. The cobot Abbie is trying to know more about Tim's ex-wife and where she was because she didn't believe she was actually dead. Tim said that Abbie drowned while surfing during awful weather. Now, as you advance thru the book, you find more and more information about the life Tim and Abbie had before she died. 

So, this was the idea of the book. I don't want to give you guys any spoilers because the book is extremely interesting and you should discover the secrets by yourself. The end of the story is more than shocking and I just couldn't believe it. I am not that into thrillers but damn, the book was fabulous! I was wondering if I should give it to one of my friends because I knew I wasn't into that category of books. And one thing about this book, you should trust your gut when it comes to Siana, and about everything really. The book is unexpectable and I admit with the opinions on the back of the book. If you don't read this book, you missed Heaven, especially if you are a fan or thriller.

Anyways, I recommend this book to my soul. I went onto GoodReads and it has 4 stars. Now, the reviews are either amazing or terrible. Personally, the idea is ingenious and I can say I would recommend it to anybody. I know this post was short but I will try to post another post tomorrow.

I hope you will consider buying this masterpiece and buy it. That was everything for today's blog, have a nice day unknowns!


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