UNKNOWN TALKS- EPISODE 3- My top five books

                          MY TOP FIVE FAVOURITE BOOKS

Hey people! How is your day? How are you feeling? I hope everything is fine and you are not overworking. Today is Friday! Yay! Fun fact, Friday is my favorite day of the week. I have decided earlier today to do something a bit different because it is Friday (a chill day). By the way, this top will include only romance books (one of my favorite book genres). All the books included here are UNKNOWN APPROVED! 

1. Stay with me- Ayobami Adebayo

-This is for sure one of the most heartbreaking sad books I have ever read in my whole entire life. Maybe, I am going to do a book opinion on it too but I am not too sure. I read it last summer, one year ago. It is a sad story where a woman is trying to have children but she has a lot of problems with infertility. Her husband has another wife, and she hooks up with his brother. Her first two children die and only her last one survives. There are a lot of other details but as I said, I read it one year ago. It broke my heart and every time one of her children died, I cried like they were my own. She tried rituals and even went climbing a mountain for hours, without drinking or eating anything. I recommend reading this book, it is quite long but it's worth it!

2. Breathless- Jennifer Niven

-I love this book! If you want to read my opinion on this book-
It is a beautiful book! Well-made and developed, beautiful cover and based on a true story! Isn't that cool? It is that kind of love-sad book.

3. Boys like you- Juliana Stone

-It is amazing! When I bought it, I was kind of skeptical as the book cover and description didn't blow me off. It is about a girl who lost her little brother and a boy whose friend is in a coma because of his driving from a party with his friends. They seem to fall in love, even if Monroe hated him when she first met him. Monroe had some serious mental problems after her brother's death. It is kind of the traumatizing love story when they both heal each other with their love.

4. 11 Paper hearts- Kelsey Hartwell

-This is different because it is a love and mystery story. After the accident, Ella couldn't remember the things that happened a few weeks ago. She starts receiving some paper hearts in different places, from somebody she will get to know at the end. The paper hearts made her remember everything that happened before the accident. It is interesting, really interesting. It gets you in suspense, and it is a trick for you to read the book until the end. 

5. They both die at the end- Adam Silvera

-I loved the book! I am not going to say too much as I have already posted a book opinion based on it. If you want to read my opinion on the book- 
It is amazing but the end tore your heart apart! Like it makes juice out of your little heart!

I hope you enjoyed today's post and took into consideration buying these books. P
lease give it a like, and if you want you can follow me here on Blogger!

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Have a nice day! Peace :)


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