UNKNOWN TALKS- EPISODE 13- Top five tips I learned thru writing

                    Top five tips I learned since I started writing

 Hello, my amazing unknowns! How are you guys? Today I have decided to give you guys some tips that will help you in your writing journey. I want to add that I have been writing for nine months and wrote three books (one that hasn't been published). Now, that I am about to finish "Runaway", I can say that I have gained some experience. I have done tons of mistakes that hurt me but I learned to accept them and keep writing.


1. Be careful when you chose the platform you want to upload on

When I first got into writing and decided to publish my first book on Reedsy Discovery but I didn't know exactly how the platform worked. I put it on the site, paid their fee ($50), and one week before the book went live on the website I received this email-

For those who don't know, Reedsy Discovery is used to get reviews and connect with readers. You need to put a link for people to find your book and hopefully buy it. I didn't know that, so I didn't add any links to my book, and even now, if you go to my book on reedsy, you can not read it (except for the review) or buy it. Was it the smartest thing I did? No, it wasn't. Now, would I take the time and publish my book "Another World" on amazon and then put it on reedsy discovery to get reviews? No, I don't think that Reedsy Discovery is the best place to get reviews, and "Another World" really needs an update, so I will just leave it there until I will decide to make a 2.00 version of another world, professionally made. 


2. Grow a thick skin

So, I told you guys before in another post about a critique comment that hurt my feelings. Now, critique comments shouldn't be taken to heart, even if I have to admit, it is hard not to take them personally. You should just read them, admit that you should have done something or changed something, and then put it in your future work.


3. Read guides

There are a ton of free guides you can find on the internet that can help you. Learning is the key to growing. You can find podcasts, online guides, masterclasses anywhere on the internet.


4. Build a platform

The power of social media is the strongest ever, even if we talk about Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and even Tik Tok. You should make an account where you talk about your next projects, and update the audience with news about your book or blog. Try to create an account where you are active and post things about yourself and the things you do.


5. Read other books by other authors

It is very inspiring to read. I started reading half a year ago, and it helped me and inspired me for my books. It is nothing bad to inspire from other people's books but you shouldn't steal their idea, try to shape it so it wouldn't seem like you were inspired by someone.


This is the end of today's post, I hope it helped my amazing writers. Keep writing, don't ever give up on your dreams. I have an exciting update!! My book "Runaway" is going to be published soon on Smashwords and Amazon, somewhere in late August or September. I will keep you updated! I hope you enjoyed this post! 

Have a nice day!


https://linkfly.to/30719xXDUvi  (here you can connect with me on multiple platforms)


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